Tripple's Legacy Quiz

1 / 10

Have you arranged for your photos to be inherited to loved ones after you are gone?

2 / 10

Have you organized your social media accounts to be memorialized, closed or to remain open after you are gone?

3 / 10

Do you have your recipes organized to give to someone after you are gone?

4 / 10

Which items you own after you are gone? (a will?)

5 / 10

Have you indicated somewhere to someone how you would like your medical care to be if ever you are incapacitated in a hospital?

6 / 10

Have you selected your Next of Kin and do they know that they are responsible for this role for you?

7 / 10

Do you keep a journal of memories, stories, anecdotes of your life for loved ones to enjoy after you are gone?

8 / 10

Do you have a way to send future messages to loved ones after you are gone? Ie ‘open on graduation’ or ‘advice for marriage’ etc?

9 / 10

Do you have a way to track your charitable donations?

10 / 10

Do you have a way to track your lifetime of mentorship?

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Legacy Quiz